Index Moose is an ETF-based momentum model that compares the relative strength of stocks in the US (SPY, IWM), Emerging markets (EEM), Developed offshore markets (EFA), Short & Long US Treasuries (SHY, EDV) and Gold (GLD) in order to pick the best place to invest your money. Rankings provide the basis for the Moosecalls global financial newsletter, and have in the past been a solid predictive tool. Lately, performance has been lagging. A daily signal, it is provided here for free once a week as a guideline only.
US Equity Strategy Moose is an ETF-based equity-only momentum model. It compares two diversified buy-and-hold portfolios, aggressive (AOA) and moderate (AOM) and cash (SHY) with seven of the most popular "smart beta" US equity strategies. They include Growth (IUSG), Value (IUSV), Momentum (MTUM), Equal Weight (RSP), High Dividend (VYM), Low Volatility (SPLV), and Fundamentals. Lately, performance has been solid versus benchmark (SPY). A daily signal, it is provided once a week in the newsletter as a guideline only.
The Thrift Savings Plan is for Federal employees only and not available to the general public. TSP Moose is a Thrift Savings Plan momentum model that compares the five TSP index funds-- cash (G), fixed income (F), US large-caps (C), US small-caps (S), and International stocks (I) with with four globally diversified "Lifetime" portfolios-- very aggressive (L2050), aggressive (L2040) moderate (L2030) and conservative (L Income). The model's daily signal is provided once a week in the newsletter as a guideline only.
since 1/8/2025
since 1/10/2025
HOLD Cash (Fund G)
since 1/10/2025
AGGRESSIVE buy and hold (AOA)*
AGGRESSIVE buy and hold (AOA)*
AGGRESSIVE buy-and-hold (L2060)*
1. Index Moose (+2.0%)
2. AOA (+1.3%)
3. AOM (+0.6%)
1. US Equity Benchmark (SPY) (+2.0%)
2. AOA (+1.3%)
3. AOM (+0.6%)
4. US Equity Strategy (-0.5%)
1. L2060 (+2.0%)
2. L2050 (+1.7%)
3. L2040 (+1.5%)
4. L2030 (+1.3%)
5. TSP Moose (-0.1%)
The US Equity Strategy model uses our momentum compare and ranks 7 alternative US equity strategies (represented by the most popular smart-beta ETFs based on volume and capitalization) and 2 global asset allocation strategies . The 7 US equity strategies include US growth, US value, US momentum, US low volatility, US high dividend, US fundamentals, and US equal weight. The 2 global asset allocation strategies are moderate and aggressive. The table below compares the relative strength of each of the 9 strategies to a SPY benchmark and a SHY cash baseline. The table below provides a recent switch history.
NOTE: All of the strategies in this model are derivative of and highly correlated to the S&P. When the S&P is bearish, hits a stop-loss, or gives some other sell signal, adopting a strategy that is highly correlated to it is not recommended. Both SPY and the chosen ETF must be technically positive (TS>0) or better and working on a buy-stop to initiate a switch.
Economic, financial and political conditions can have a major impact on strategic success. Massive Fed involvement in the markets, along with fiscal stimulus leads to financial engineering and market stability. That generally favors buy-and-hold (B&H) and US equity timing. As a result, US Equity Strategy timing has outperformed in seven of the last nine years. While some form of timing has thus outperformed B&H in most years, that is not to say its success will continue should political and economic conditions change measurably in the future.
This Year: US Stocks are bullish entering 2025 while bonds are bearish with three Fed rate cuts keeping inflation fears alive. Trillions in federal deficit spending continues—now through March—and the Fed is not expected to cut rates in January.
The US Equity Strategy (USES) Model is beating the S&P500 benchmark and outperforming Buy-and-Hold in early 2025. The Index Model is beating aggressive B&H. For buy and hold investors: Aggressive is outperforming more moderate diversifications.
US equities are outperforming offshore stocks. Among US stock strategies, US Growth is best over 1, 3, and 5 years and outperforms the S&P.
This week: Strategy Moose HOLDS Cash 1/10/25 as IUSG and SPY both triggered a *stop-loss as predicted, Since the Federal money spigot remains wide open, however, it may soon reverse as a false signal.
It was the 1st RISK-ON week after 2 risk-off: Stocks UP, Bonds UP and Gold UP.
The Thrift Savings Plan, or TSP, is the government’s 401K-style retirement plan. Millions of federal employees are invested in it, including several life-long friends here in the capital region. The TSP model uses our momentum compare and rank the closed-end funds in the Plan, which is only available to current or prior Federal employees. The individual fund selections include US large caps, small caps, international equities, Bonds, Short-term income. The diversified B&H portfolios include Maximum income, and several dated Lifetime choices. The further out the date the more aggressive the allocation.
This Year: US Stocks are bullish entering 2025 while bonds are bearish with three Fed rate cuts keeping inflation fears alive. Trillions in federal deficit spending continues—now through March—and the Fed is not expected to cut rates in January.
TSP Model is outperforming Buy-and-Hold in 2025.
TSP This week: TSP Moose holds cash (Fund G) since 1/10/25 after large-caps (Fund C) triggered a stop loss*. The Federal money spigot remains wide open, and it could be a false signal,
It was the 1st RISK-ON week after 2 risk-off: Stocks UP, Bonds UP and Gold UP.
Index Moose uses momentum to rank US and international equities, long bonds, cash and gold. It was originally developed in 1992 as a basis for a newsletter on global financial markets. Switches have been published live on the internet since October 1996. Index Moose devotes 100% of the portfolio to the #1 ranked fund.
This Year: US Stocks are bullish entering 2025 while bonds are bearish with three Fed rate cuts keeping inflation fears alive. Trillions in federal deficit spending continues—now through March—and the Fed is not expected to cut rates in January.
The Index timing model is currently out-performing aggressive (AOA) and moderate (AOM) diversified portfolios.
The Index HOLDS Gold (GLD) on 1/10/25 via stop-loss in SPY as predicted, Since the Federal money spigot remains wide open.
It was the 1st RISK-ON week after 2 risk-off: Stocks UP, Bonds UP and Gold UP.