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The first step in developing a personal investment strategy is knowing yourself, your situation, and your objectives. Do a Mooselfie-- take and self-score our free investor questionnaire. No obligation, no cost, no registration, just free education.
The second step is to understand what's out there. Demoostify your strategic options and the risks and rewards associated with each. Once you've scored your questionnaire, begin learning how several potential ETF-based investment strategies may fit with your personal situation. Again, no obligation, no cost, no registration, just free education.
OUR OPEN HOUSE RUNS FROM DEC. 25th through JAN 6th. Password restrictions are removed and you are free to enjoy the entire site. Before January 6, you can sign up for next year's Moosecalls, our comprehensive weekly investment newsletter at 2023 price $48 per calendar year, prorated quarterly-- before 2024.'s inflation adjusted price kicks in. (In addition to access, members get free weekly email updates too. See the Moostore for details.) The newsletter is a product of Index Moose, an automated stock, bond, and gold momentum model developed in 1989. Index Moose uses technical analysis and exchange traded index funds (ETFs) to track global investment flows in the Americas, Europe and Asia, and to generate a market timing signal.