Index Moose is an ETF-based momentum-based market timing model that compares the relative strength of stocks in the US (SPY, IWM), Europe (IEV), Japan (EWJ), Asia Pacific ex-Japan (AAXJ) and Latin America (ILF) along with US Treasuries (SHY, EDV) and Gold (GLD) in order to pick the best place to invest your money. Rankings provide the basis for the Moosecalls global financial newsletter, and have in the past been a solid predictive tool. Lately, performance has been lagging. A daily signal, it is provided here for free once a week as a guideline only.
US Equity Strategy Moose is an ETF-based equity-only momentum market timing model. It compares two diversified buy-and-hold portfolios, aggressive (AOA) and moderate (AOM) and cash (SHY) with seven of the most popular "smart beta" US equity strategies. They include Growth (IUSG), Value (IUSV), Momentum (MTUM), Equal Weight (RSP), High Dividend (VYM), Low Volatility (SPLV), and Fundamentals. Lately, performance has been solid versus benchmark (SPY). A daily signal, it is provided once a week in the newsletter as a guideline only.
The Thrift Savings Plan is for Federal employees only and not available to the general public. TSP Moose is a Thrift Savings Plan momentum-based market timing model that compares the five TSP index funds-- cash (G), fixed income (F), US large-caps (C), US small-caps (S), and International stocks (I) with with four globally diversified "Lifetime" portfolios-- very aggressive (L2050), aggressive (L2040) moderate (L2030) and conservative (L Income). The model's daily signal is provided once a week in the newsletter as a guideline only.
Index Moose switched on 1/8/2025 .
HOLD See newsletter for details.
US Equity Strategy Moose switched on 2/26/2025.
HOLD See newsletter for details.
TSP Moose switched on 2/20/2025.
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